Hair Removal
About SHR (super hair removal) laser treatments
Why choose laser?
There are many ways to remove unwanted hair in this day and age such as waxing, shaving and literally plucking it out. The only permanent way to get rid of unwanted hair is to use a laser. These new lasers can treat very large areas of the body at one time and they are quick and painless. This makes the removal of unwanted hair more cost effective than other methods.
How does a laser work? The beam of laser light penetrates the skin and is then absorbed by the pigment colour within the hair shaft and is then converted to heat. This heat travels all the way down to the hair root (bulb) and it is the heat that destroys the root so that there is no further growth from that root.
With hair growth having 3 different phases the treatment given at each sitting only works on the active phase. It is for this reason that several treatments are required to destroy all the roots. The hair density, skin colour, ethnic background and treatment area all play a part in the number of treatments required.
Which is usually 5 to 8 treatments.
Some lasers are unable to work on darker skin, however our newest laser can do this. Due to the fact there is no pigment in light or grey hair it cannot be treated with a laser.
WHO IS A CANDIDATE FOR LASER? People with fair skin and darker or coarse hair are the ideal candidates, however that does not rule everyone else out because sometimes it may just take an extra treatment or two.
HOW MANY TREATMENTS ARE REQUIRED? A good candidate requires 5 to 8, but people with darker skin may require up to 10 or 12 treatments as the melanin in the skin absorbs some of the light immediately.
IS LASER HAIR REMOVAL SAFE? Yes laser for hair removal is FDA approved and the lasers are equipped with many settings to minimize any great skin reaction.
IS LASER HAIR REMOVAL PERMANENT? Yes it is permanent for the hair that has been treated however it is always possible for a person to grow new hair after any type of hair removal however this is usually lighter and weaker and can be very easily treated again.